Personal Details First name Family name Email address Phone Number Preferred Contact Method EmailPhone Choose Your Menu (1) Poke Bowls - $12 - Spicy Ahi - Shoyu - Salmon - Shoyu (2) Healthy Bowls - $12 - Wellness - Vegetarian (3) Pizza - Buy 1 and Get 2nd 50% Off - Margherita - $20 - Pepperoni - $20 - Porchetta - $23 - Scampi - $23 * The price of the second pizza will be equal to or lower than the price of the first pizza purchased. Place Your Order Order Date Pick Up Time 11:0011:1511:3012:0012:1512:3013:0013:1513:3014:0014:1514:3015:0015:1515:3016:0016:1516:3017:00 License Plate No Additional Request(If Any) By placing an order, you agree to the collection and use of your data to improve our services and customer experience. ORDER NOW